
Digital Support Accessed

33. In the last year, have you made use of digital support, advice or guidance from any of the following sources? 

The most popular forms of support were digital agencies, freelancers and volunteers.

  • 28% have worked with digital agencies, 24% with digital freelancers and 10% with digital transformation or strategy experts. 

  • 24% are relying on volunteers with digital skills, which is more than the 11% who were doing so last year. 

  • 23% are taking digital training courses, slightly less than last year’s 31%. 

  • 17% are using support from infrastructure bodies such as NCVO, ACEVO and SCVO, a similar proportion to last year. 

  • Small charities: the most popular form of support for small charities is digital volunteers (27% have made use of these, compared to 17% of large charities). This is closely followed by digital freelancers (20%) and training courses (20%). Only 14% of small charities have turned to digital agencies, compared to 55% of large charities. Furthermore, only 4% of small charities have accessed digital transformation or strategy experts, compared to 22% of large organisations.

  • Large charities: digital agencies are the most popular form of support for large organisations (55% have used them), followed by digital freelancers (31%).

  • Across the board, all forms of digital support have been accessed by larger proportions of organisations that are advancing and advanced with digital. Organisations that are at an early stage with digital tend to rely on volunteers with digital skills (23%). Those that are advancing with digital are most likely to turn to digital agencies (38%).